
Showing posts from November, 2021

This year instead of gifts I’m giving everyone my opinion get excited Christmas shirt

 Whoever took the jab has done for everyone, including the no vaxers. Jeez.. I mean, imagine if only the BBC and other media weren't busy ramping up the "Omicron scare" with "BREAKING: 4th person diagnosed with the latest 5000x more virulent covid variant. Click here to follow the story updates" all the time. If the situation changes (like this new variant) then the government response has to change to account for it. Of course people desperately want to have certainty, but unfortunately that's impossible to give at the moment. The best anyone can hope for is that the government are able to continue to provide enough support to the affected businesses that they can survive this horrendous time and come out the other side intact.  Buy it here:  This year instead of gifts I’m giving everyone my opinion get excited Christmas shirt

Knock on someone’s door put Chloroform on their mouth search the house Repeat shirt

 "it's great, we bought this gadget, so we don't need to actually be there for the dog" .Haha, dreadful idea. Our boys so needy I would never get anything done. I listened to this, what a load of rubbish, all she had to do was setup a camera and see that the dog does a number of things during the day. Including playing with a ball. This will not help if you have a dog with separation anxiety.Just don't have a dog at all if it's going to be left alone in the house, duh !Wonderful and brilliant to have compassion and technology to blend.Lovely idea but honestly… when I’m at work it’s hard enough when the kids video call me! Let alone the dog too! It's thankful to those who are devoted to dogs.Good app for them. Buy it here:  Knock on someone’s door put Chloroform on their mouth search the house Repeat shirt

Tequila It’s cool I’ve had both my Shots Vintage shirt

 They will be thoroughly vetted fed meals and will have to work the two years to qualify for any benefit claims. Should be a lesson to discourage others to take this way, but they consider this an unfortunate accident. The best is to sink their boat and send them back and lock them up. Hemn Najim how long is this going to go on till there is no more room on our country cos thats what is going to happen and our country will turn into a civil war cos the british people dont want them here and its the goverment that will be to blameHemn Najim yes I agree but this country can't take any more what about our own people living on the streets children go without food we can't get n.h.s treatment home,people don't have none these are our own people we have done enough let alone immigrants that are allowed here over 22.000 boat people have arrived h.aldridge.  Buy it here:  Tequila It’s cool I’ve had both my Shots Vintage shirt

Santa Claus XOXOXO Christmas shirt

 Meanwhile the dog just crapped itself in fear at the talking ball calling his name... or chews it up cos its ruining his quiet time when he doesn't have to. put up with humans!! On such an auspicious day indeed the light of sanity prevailed over the ruling dispensation to withdraw or repeal the laws which were passed in relation to agriculture sector of the nation. Let’s hope now that since the vested interests of both the ruling dispensation and opposition in tandem got obliterated via this act that may lead to better fortunes. If BJP wins UP, they will definitely back Farm laws again. People who didn't care about farmers, their death for almost one year, how come they repeal now? Don't be fool. What was so good about the protest? It's not the win for real farmers, yet again the mandis will take the crops on less price, stock it and then going to sell at even higher prices. Buy it here:  Santa Claus XOXOXO Christmas shirt

Your girlfriend keeps looking at me shirt

 I want to say well.done to Kevin but also to the BBC breakfast team especially Sally. You have followed this story from day one with such compassion, friendship and pure professionalism. Thank you all. Kevin you are one amazing guy. What a legend. We travelled to a country lane to cheer him on at 10pm last night. So good to see so many people making the effort to be in the middle of nowhere, in the dark to encourage him. This Man is amazing a true friend one could every wish for! Love you Kevin for what you have done and doing for your beloved friend Rob and his family, YOU where amazing to watch this morning Kevin. The love and support between Rob and his amazing friends is wonderful to see. True love, true camaraderie, unbreakable kinship. It's so heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.  Buy it here:  Your girlfriend keeps looking at me shirt ​​​​​​​

I legit stress out about stress before there’s even stress to be stressing out about shirt

  If the police were to lock all these hooligans in prison and the virus set to work you'd hear them begging to come out for treatment. But that won't happen, will it? Liberal democracy places individual "rights" higher than collective rights. Fair play to them,it’s about time the governments had a taste of they’re medicine, acting like dictators causing division between the vaccinated and unvaccinated,taking away the basic human rights of free choice,if this bloody vaccine stopped you getting and passing on covid I could see the point, but seeing as it don’t then the only person your putting at any risk is yourself, so then it comes down to controlling the public,and that’s not governing that’s dictatorship, and there’s a hell of a difference in being allowed to choose and being forced or blackmailed into putting something you don’t fully trust into your body.  Buy it here:  I legit stress out about stress before there’s even stress to be stressing out about shirt

Sweet but twisted does that make me a candy cane shirt

 Consider the situation in the Republic of Ireland where I'm from. I'm pro vaccine and a certified risk manager. This is my work. NOONE should have the right to kill (by transferring virus for example), the right to destroy property and hurt other people with their actions (by non-peaceful protest) - that is the whole point of society. Stop and think before applauding this - Hospital staff, doctors and nurses are at the end of their coping abilities but some people want the right to go to night clubs - that's more important - but if their mum has a heart attack and dies because she can't get treatment fast enough, I guess they can go to the nightclub to drown their sorrows. It's innocent people that suffer. Andrea Ellis if people can buy over the counter medicines such as ivermectine as done in India 80% of those infected wont need hospital.  Buy it here:  Sweet but twisted does that make me a candy cane shirt

Tablets Xanax Alprazolam anxiety has many faces but there is only one shirt

 I deal with the public in general practice and some of my patients don't believe they have covid despite having a cough and not isolating and/or not getting a PCR. We are sick of it.For all the non mask wearers and anti vaxers - I would isolate! If so concerned, we should be able to buy antivirals in any drugstore... yet in Romania only given vitamins and paracetamol and they wonder why we get to the hospital with destroyed lungs. The problem is the vaccinated do not need to do tests before going to events ect the non vaccinated do . So potentially wether vaccinated or not they should be testing especially if working or attending large events. What needs to be done is AI-powered device-based contact tracing like in East Asia but that's too "invasive" for Westerners so community spread will continue. Part of these claims are not true as everyone who has been tested for covid and had it who died in 28 days thou dying of cancer are registered as covid victims.  Bu

I am not retired I’m a professional Nonna shirt

 Luxury collectible site 1stDibs, whose largest category is home, experienced a 23 percent increase. Meanwhile Kaiyo, a startup that calls itself the “Thred-Up for Furniture” says they’ve seen triple digit growth month over month. Why? The easy answer would be because consignment is generally cheaper—always a literal selling point, especially during uncertain economic times like these. And, sure, price is certainly part of it. But heritage and collectible items flew off the shelves too: 1stDibs couldn’t keep Mario Bellini’s Camaleonda Sofa, Ray and Charles Eames’s Lounge Chair, or the Ultrafragola mirror in stock. Chairish saw users sell Michel Ducaroy’s Togo sofa at a profit. In its annual report, Kaiyo said they sold a DDC On the Rocks sofa for a whopping $18,346—far from a bargain. Buy it here:​​​​​​​ I am not retired I’m a professional Nonna shirt

Proud member of the LGB FJB community shirt

 It was heartbreaking to witness. Many were women who looked ill and hungry. Disruptive, yes! Heartbreaking, yes! This is going to get so much worse with temperatures decreasing even further over the coming months… a true tragedy about to unravel. All I have read so far centres around either letting everyone in or keeping them out at any cost, I can’t imagine this dispute being solved in time. Are there any talks at all about allowing refugees/migrants into EU if they agree to an organised deportation back to their countries? If they have been lured with false promises (and now Belarusian soldiers prevent them from going back) perhaps some of them would take up such an offer? Good job Poland keep them out otherwise they will soon knocking on our door to house and feed them. I dont personally give a dam just as long as they don't end up in UK we have more than our fair share of illegal immigrants. Buy it here:  Proud member of the LGB FJB community shirt

Meta Make Everything Trump Again shirt

  So many dumb comments on here “KeEp It In ThE cOuNtRy”. These poor people don’t even have running water or shelter! Think of that whilst deciding where to go on your next holiday! This image is fake, its obvious the water is superimposed onto this picture, its not even professionally done, how can we take the BBC seriously when it resorts to this kind of deceptive imagery. 290m is nothing, they need to generate power every year, and you cant provide 190m every year. It is wrong to tell poorer nations to stop using coal when you keep green energy equipments expensive. £290 million, imagine what that amount of money could do for our pensioners. No amount of money will help climate change when China, India and other emerging countries are causing so much damage. Boris will give our money away and allow our pensioners to freeze this winter.  Buy it here:  Meta Make Everything Trump Again shirt

Tom Holland Vitruvian Pizza shirt

 Brings back horrible memories for me of being at Donington 1988, when lives were lost during Gun and Roses set, we could see emergency services on the track but in those days of little social media it wasn't until we got on the bus did the true horror come to light on the news on the radio. Venues with standing areas need to be subdivided into blocks with suitable barriers to prevent the effect of sway and surge within a crowd. It is a human instinct to press forward when excited - particularly when a band or other popular act comes on stage. The same can be seen at football matches when a goal could be scored or is scored. Seating prevents surge and sway 100%, correctly designed barrier system credited the effect to normal levels.  Did no one learn from Limp Bizkit Sydney Big Day Out?  Buy it here:  Tom Holland Vitruvian Pizza shirt