Your girlfriend keeps looking at me shirt

 I want to say well.done to Kevin but also to the BBC breakfast team especially Sally. You have followed this story from day one with such compassion, friendship and pure professionalism. Thank you all. Kevin you are one amazing guy. What a legend. We travelled to a country lane to cheer him on at 10pm last night. So good to see so many people making the effort to be in the middle of nowhere, in the dark to encourage him. This Man is amazing a true friend one could every wish for! Love you Kevin for what you have done and doing for your beloved friend Rob and his family, YOU where amazing to watch this morning Kevin. The love and support between Rob and his amazing friends is wonderful to see. True love, true camaraderie, unbreakable kinship. It's so heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. 

Buy it here: Your girlfriend keeps looking at me shirt
Your girlfriend keeps looking at me s Ladies t-shirt​​​​​​​
