Tablets Xanax Alprazolam anxiety has many faces but there is only one shirt

 I deal with the public in general practice and some of my patients don't believe they have covid despite having a cough and not isolating and/or not getting a PCR. We are sick of it.For all the non mask wearers and anti vaxers - I would isolate! If so concerned, we should be able to buy antivirals in any drugstore... yet in Romania only given vitamins and paracetamol and they wonder why we get to the hospital with destroyed lungs. The problem is the vaccinated do not need to do tests before going to events ect the non vaccinated do . So potentially wether vaccinated or not they should be testing especially if working or attending large events. What needs to be done is AI-powered device-based contact tracing like in East Asia but that's too "invasive" for Westerners so community spread will continue. Part of these claims are not true as everyone who has been tested for covid and had it who died in 28 days thou dying of cancer are registered as covid victims. 

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