This year instead of gifts I’m giving everyone my opinion get excited Christmas shirt

 Whoever took the jab has done for everyone, including the no vaxers. Jeez.. I mean, imagine if only the BBC and other media weren't busy ramping up the "Omicron scare" with "BREAKING: 4th person diagnosed with the latest 5000x more virulent covid variant. Click here to follow the story updates" all the time. If the situation changes (like this new variant) then the government response has to change to account for it. Of course people desperately want to have certainty, but unfortunately that's impossible to give at the moment. The best anyone can hope for is that the government are able to continue to provide enough support to the affected businesses that they can survive this horrendous time and come out the other side intact. 

Buy it here: This year instead of gifts I’m giving everyone my opinion get excited Christmas shirt

This year instead of gifts I'm giving everyone my opinion get excited Christmas s Sweater
