Sweet but twisted does that make me a candy cane shirt

 Consider the situation in the Republic of Ireland where I'm from. I'm pro vaccine and a certified risk manager. This is my work. NOONE should have the right to kill (by transferring virus for example), the right to destroy property and hurt other people with their actions (by non-peaceful protest) - that is the whole point of society. Stop and think before applauding this - Hospital staff, doctors and nurses are at the end of their coping abilities but some people want the right to go to night clubs - that's more important - but if their mum has a heart attack and dies because she can't get treatment fast enough, I guess they can go to the nightclub to drown their sorrows. It's innocent people that suffer. Andrea Ellis if people can buy over the counter medicines such as ivermectine as done in India 80% of those infected wont need hospital. 

Buy it here: Sweet but twisted does that make me a candy cane shirt

Sweet but twisted does that make me a candy cane s Sweater
