I am not retired I’m a professional Nonna shirt

 Luxury collectible site 1stDibs, whose largest category is home, experienced a 23 percent increase. Meanwhile Kaiyo, a startup that calls itself the “Thred-Up for Furniture” says they’ve seen triple digit growth month over month. Why? The easy answer would be because consignment is generally cheaper—always a literal selling point, especially during uncertain economic times like these. And, sure, price is certainly part of it. But heritage and collectible items flew off the shelves too: 1stDibs couldn’t keep Mario Bellini’s Camaleonda Sofa, Ray and Charles Eames’s Lounge Chair, or the Ultrafragola mirror in stock. Chairish saw users sell Michel Ducaroy’s Togo sofa at a profit. In its annual report, Kaiyo said they sold a DDC On the Rocks sofa for a whopping $18,346—far from a bargain.

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