Proud member of the LGB FJB community shirt

 It was heartbreaking to witness. Many were women who looked ill and hungry. Disruptive, yes! Heartbreaking, yes! This is going to get so much worse with temperatures decreasing even further over the coming months… a true tragedy about to unravel. All I have read so far centres around either letting everyone in or keeping them out at any cost, I can’t imagine this dispute being solved in time. Are there any talks at all about allowing refugees/migrants into EU if they agree to an organised deportation back to their countries? If they have been lured with false promises (and now Belarusian soldiers prevent them from going back) perhaps some of them would take up such an offer? Good job Poland keep them out otherwise they will soon knocking on our door to house and feed them. I dont personally give a dam just as long as they don't end up in UK we have more than our fair share of illegal immigrants.

Buy it here: Proud member of the LGB FJB community shirt
Proud member of the LGB FJB community s Ladies t-shirt
