
Showing posts from October, 2021

Fuck Biden Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated shirt

 The women would have to work for a legalized brothel, so they are then owned by someone, essentially. They could be made to do things they wouldn't normally do and who would they turn to, if they have signed contracts? The punters would pay more money to do what they want, knowing they are able to do so, with no recourse. The brothel owners would only be bothered about making money. The girls would be in a worse predicament and they probably wouldn't get as much as if they go it alone, so they would have to agree to all sorts, to try and make their money. A man took one of the girls against her will to the country and said he was ‘hers (to do whatever he wanted with) for a few hours’ for £30 and the police just dropped her back to town. Whatever her job is he took her against her will, that’s kidnap ffs, the police showing again and again they don’t take these kind of crimes against women seriously.  Buy it here:  Fuck Biden Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated shirt

World Anime Expo Philadelphia 2002 shirt

 Julie Winston really makes you wonder doesn’t what this is I’ll carry on testing definitely oh there was something about this in the news I think they were calling for batch numbers I think it was that if you are showing neg on a pcr but positive on lft they wanted to know I think this was last week I had seen it. Laura Olver we had 3 as a family as we were all convinced we werw badly with covid but just a bug. Also heard people saying they caught it when their immune system was down.... but again we never did and out immune systems had taken a battering. Nicky Baxby definitely agree it’s very confusing isn’t it did you go for one test? We’ve been twice but still neg thankfully but whatever it is it really kicks you so just hoping it’s this bug doing it’s rounds. Laura Olver my house has been ill for about 3/4 weeks and have had multiple negative tests until this week, 4 of us have had both positive lateral and pcr. My partner was last to test positive but his PCR test this morning sa

North Pole hot Chocolate Bar piping hot Coca warm up here Christmas shirt

 They will be the big losers if there is a firefight. Many mainland Chinese have close relatives in Taiwan. There will be no invasion. Just as well our navy has sent a mini task force to the area. Imagine the Express if a simar Chinese flotilla sailed up the Channel. Americans often talk as if they decide how a country should conduct its foreign policy. They speak in terms of facing down countries who want to defy them. If China decide to take back Taiwan, they won't back down in their own back yard. Tomer Shlomo Well what can the West do? Nothing much! There isn't any real gain for the Western world to get involved in this dispute / takeover. Now if they knew they would be getting something substantially beneficial to them then lots of money would be pumped into the British Army to stop this takeover. Take the Iraq war. We all know why the British and Americans went streaming all guns blazing, is because of the petrol. There was no other real reason. At the end of the day the

Shrimp Pimp crust station shirt

 It's stupid, GPs should not be businesses as i believe it puts profit before people. 35 years I have worked as a receptionist in a Doctor’s surgery. It’s not about whether it’s free or not free, who pays or who doesn’t pay, it’s about common decency and respect for all people who work with the general public. I have never known such abuse as in this past 18 months. GP's had begun telephone consultations long before COVID. My guess is that eventually this would have become the norm and has happened a lot faster then anticipated. Consultants/hospitals do the same. There are fewer GP's and a growing population. However, the article was about Receptionists and just once it would be great to be able to get the phone call answered . When I have visited a surgery the administration staff are low in numbers compared to a few years ago! Guess there's plenty of problems with GP services in all areas. It will get to the stage that surgeries can't retain and recruit reception

Why I’m not a republican I’m not greedy and I’m not a traitor shirt

 I know what Chris Packham is really like, and he's a bit of an arrogant bar steward. I do not condone the attack, but it's not hard to understand how he might have made someone angry enough to do it. He's got zero respect for people who live and work in the countryside and he walks all over them. You mean he doesn't condone killing animals for fun. "Doesn't understand country ways" translates to mean "mind your own business. We love watching animals hunted and tortured to death and we're not going to stop". Disgusting, backward neanderthals. It's not all about fox hunting, I'm not exactly a fan of fox hunting myself. Chris Packham interferes in a lot of things. For people who own fish stocks and fishing ponds, and manage stretches of river, cormorants, mink and otters (and now beavers) are not a welcome sight; they will completely wipe out an entire fishery in a single season.  Buy it here:  Why I’m not a republican I’m not greedy an

Seymour’s organic plant food only available at Mushnick’s shirt

 The government should invest in machinery that recycles fabric, some countries are doing this including India. It would make a huge difference. H&M also collects used clothing in several countries for this initiative. If they built a incinerator they could produce enough electricity for their whole country with that amount of clothing waste, although not the solution it's better then letting get into the sea poisoning everything, it's such a shame that there is no measures around the world for better recycling for clothes and plastics. Charge enough for buying the clothes to enable them to be properly processed. Charge people for appropriate disposal and build an industry around that. Ultimately it's all economics, Ghana has accpeted disposal of stuff into landfil, until it changes that this will carry on. Sorry but when we donate clothes to charities that say they send the clothes to Africa, we expect them to be given out to people who need it for free, not sold on? B

I myself am entirely made of flaws stiched together with good intentions shirt

 She says if she is separated from her kids then they will not be in a stable situation but surely the very fact that she has taken them to an Islamic war camp has already put them in an unstable situation that is far worse than going back to the uk? The mother, I don't know she decided to go out there, so its her own fault if she is blocked from coming back. If she was allowed back it should only be to a secure unit and the children taken away. The children are allowed back, she'll only accept a package deal to come with them. If those kids are left out there, it's due to the atrocious decisions of their mother yet again. She should send her children back to her mother, and let her mother raise them. She made some very irresponsible choices and has to face them now, but the children are innocent in all this. I agree with the statement make by the government.  Buy it here: I myself am entirely made of flaws stiched together with good intentions shirt ​​​​​​​