Shrimp Pimp crust station shirt

 It's stupid, GPs should not be businesses as i believe it puts profit before people. 35 years I have worked as a receptionist in a Doctor’s surgery. It’s not about whether it’s free or not free, who pays or who doesn’t pay, it’s about common decency and respect for all people who work with the general public. I have never known such abuse as in this past 18 months. GP's had begun telephone consultations long before COVID. My guess is that eventually this would have become the norm and has happened a lot faster then anticipated. Consultants/hospitals do the same. There are fewer GP's and a growing population. However, the article was about Receptionists and just once it would be great to be able to get the phone call answered . When I have visited a surgery the administration staff are low in numbers compared to a few years ago! Guess there's plenty of problems with GP services in all areas. It will get to the stage that surgeries can't retain and recruit reception staff. Then primary care will break.

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