World Anime Expo Philadelphia 2002 shirt

 Julie Winston really makes you wonder doesn’t what this is I’ll carry on testing definitely oh there was something about this in the news I think they were calling for batch numbers I think it was that if you are showing neg on a pcr but positive on lft they wanted to know I think this was last week I had seen it. Laura Olver we had 3 as a family as we were all convinced we werw badly with covid but just a bug. Also heard people saying they caught it when their immune system was down.... but again we never did and out immune systems had taken a battering. Nicky Baxby definitely agree it’s very confusing isn’t it did you go for one test? We’ve been twice but still neg thankfully but whatever it is it really kicks you so just hoping it’s this bug doing it’s rounds. Laura Olver my house has been ill for about 3/4 weeks and have had multiple negative tests until this week, 4 of us have had both positive lateral and pcr. My partner was last to test positive but his PCR test this morning says negative! Laura Olver yeah it can be ought. 

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