Seymour’s organic plant food only available at Mushnick’s shirt

 The government should invest in machinery that recycles fabric, some countries are doing this including India. It would make a huge difference. H&M also collects used clothing in several countries for this initiative. If they built a incinerator they could produce enough electricity for their whole country with that amount of clothing waste, although not the solution it's better then letting get into the sea poisoning everything, it's such a shame that there is no measures around the world for better recycling for clothes and plastics. Charge enough for buying the clothes to enable them to be properly processed. Charge people for appropriate disposal and build an industry around that. Ultimately it's all economics, Ghana has accpeted disposal of stuff into landfil, until it changes that this will carry on. Sorry but when we donate clothes to charities that say they send the clothes to Africa, we expect them to be given out to people who need it for free, not sold on?

Buy it here: Seymour’s organic plant food only available at Mushnick’s shirt

Seymour's organic plant food only available at Mushnick's s Ladies t-shirt
