Tony Montana Scarface photo shirt

 Barbara 1/ they may not have gotten it at the hospital. 2/ Those who are careful haven’t gotten it. All the people who are hospital staff didn’t get covid at the hospital and were less than careful , refusing to wear masks and social distance. Nice try though There are also tons of variants as to why they may have gotten it if they got it at the hospital: not wearing mask properly, not washing hands before eating or drinking lots and lots of reasons. Susan Bradbury I have used your advice and had a look at the other countries and decided that it looks MUCH more fun to loot them and set fire to passing cars and play with water cannons and policemen with rubber bullets , than buy anything. In fact your advice has been a life saver as I think you have pointed me to a new hobby. 

Buy it here: Tony Montana Scarface photo shirt

Tony Montana Scarface photo s Ladies t-shirt
