I love one Direction shirt

 they are parasites they pick on the wrong people sometimes like my friend and totally ignore vulnerable desperate children until its too late to save them they all say lessons will be learned so it will never happen again which is bullshit it keeps on happening another beautiful and adorable so precious and innocent defenceless child's life lost Where's the proper justice for these children. a boy that never knew he was loved by so many strangers and all he wanted was the love of his parents no more pain no more suffering you will have justice little one they will pay they will suffer pain hopefully now sleep peaceful beautiful boy.  , I was 6 months old when my mum has died and my dad never got married, he was always saying I don't let my children live with a stepmother. So many childless couples who would have loved this little sweetheart as their own. 

Buy it here: I love one Direction shirt
I love one Direction s Ladies t-shirt​​​​​​​
