
Showing posts from December, 2021

I love one Direction shirt

 they are parasites they pick on the wrong people sometimes like my friend and totally ignore vulnerable desperate children until its too late to save them they all say lessons will be learned so it will never happen again which is bullshit it keeps on happening another beautiful and adorable so precious and innocent defenceless child's life lost Where's the proper justice for these children. a boy that never knew he was loved by so many strangers and all he wanted was the love of his parents no more pain no more suffering you will have justice little one they will pay they will suffer pain hopefully now sleep peaceful beautiful boy.  , I was 6 months old when my mum has died and my dad never got married, he was always saying I don't let my children live with a stepmother. So many childless couples who would have loved this little sweetheart as their own.  Buy it here:  I love one Direction shirt ​​​​​​​

Plaid Truck Merry Christmas shirt

 Some of these people that you advocate should be “put down” aka killed, are young people who have just come out of college. How would you like your son or daughter to be described as someone who should be killed for doing their job? Whatever age they are, they work extremely hard in a job that gives them no thanks. They do it because they care about children and hope they can at least make some difference. Most of my colleagues have said they will never work in the Children & Families service because it is a horrible, stressful and thankless place to work. A lot of them leave because of people like you. How do you expect to attract enough social workers to the jobs by saying what you have said?  Buy it here:  Plaid Truck Merry Christmas shirt

Sorry I can’t Mercury is Retrograde shirt

 Colour and race will be absolutely no barrier to Miss Markle's popularity but her behaviour certainly will. The manipulation of the media whilst covering her tracks continues. She's a narcissist of the highest order and in still acting to get exactly what she wants , but it'll all come out one day. Considering that most social media platforms don't require you to formally identify yourself, they're opening a huge Pandora's Box. If you have a common name, they don't have a way of knowing it's really you. They could actually be contacting someone else. At least if they have your email address, or postal address, they know it's actually you. But they could be sending a DM to anyone. Post a Pic while on vacation at Honolulu or Dubai and your debtors and creditors be like hi "Mr Tommy Conklin" , don't forget the 50, 0000 usd you owe us lol while there chilling.  Buy it here:  Sorry I can’t Mercury is Retrograde shirt

I try to avoid drama because the mouth my mama gave me don’t have no filter shirt

  So you can keep him to yourself? Her own communication secretary said she’d asked him to check the letter as she knew it would go public and she wanted to come across well, she asked him to speak to the authors of the ‘unofficial’ biography and give them pointers (which oops, she forgot to mention first time in court), and Harry was caught on email saying they needed to not get caught doing what they were doing. A Ron Hubbard her father owns the letters, but she owns the copyright of the letter because she has never gave her consent for publishing. That's mean fighting for what you believe. Her dad has no right to publish or sale the letter. Boyd Crowder she sent the letter to her dad, he can do what he wants with it as far as I’m concerned - she’s won a technical court case on copyright but it’s revealed an awful lot that people knew but she continually denied until her own staff testified the opposite. Buy it here:  I try to avoid drama because the mouth my mama gave me don’t h

When Karma comes back to punch you in the face I wanna be there just in case it needs help shirt

 Marie Kay I would think the French could stop them after all they spend enough time watching them get into the boats and set off it's been filmed then the escort them to British waters if they are watching why not stop them? I'm also haunted by the thought of that terrible incident where so many lost their lives. And that's just reading and listening and thinking about it... Those poor, poor people. I am also haunted by the reprehensible mocking, victim-blaming and hate-inciting comments I've seen all over Facebook - and the applauding of the fishermen in Hastings who blocked a lifeboat trying to get out to sea to rescue more people. Thank heavens that UK citizens are largely decent, caring and welcoming folks, as befits a civilised and privileged country.  Buy it here:  When Karma comes back to punch you in the face I wanna be there just in case it needs help shirt

Tony Montana Scarface photo shirt

 Barbara 1/ they may not have gotten it at the hospital. 2/ Those who are careful haven’t gotten it. All the people who are hospital staff didn’t get covid at the hospital and were less than careful , refusing to wear masks and social distance. Nice try though There are also tons of variants as to why they may have gotten it if they got it at the hospital: not wearing mask properly, not washing hands before eating or drinking lots and lots of reasons. Susan Bradbury I have used your advice and had a look at the other countries and decided that it looks MUCH more fun to loot them and set fire to passing cars and play with water cannons and policemen with rubber bullets , than buy anything. In fact your advice has been a life saver as I think you have pointed me to a new hobby.  Buy it here:  Tony Montana Scarface photo shirt