Black Cat Witches be Trippin’ Halloween shirt

  Sounds great where do I sign up. I mean to be fair … probably us being locked in for so long just means our immune systems get a little less used to consistently dealing with the outside etc? So maybe this years freshers flu can be seriously peak. No surprise here. Those that wrote or talked against everyone lockdowns said this would happen. Now, they've been proven 100% right. Constant exposure to new germs is immunity protection and prevents any one cold virus from having such a heavy handed impact. Me and my partner were ill a few months back. He had terrible cough and chest and was bringing up all sorts of gunk he could barely breath. We both had sore throat but no temperature felt very unwell however apparently not Covid. Lateral and PCR negative … I am not convinced … was at the time of talks of a French variant that didn’t show on tests. Welcome to what the common cold has been like for some of us for years when you were expecting us in school or work. 

Buy it here: Black Cat Witches be Trippin’ Halloween shirt

Black Cat Witches be Trippin' Halloween s Ladies t-shirt
