63 years 1958 2021 Bee Gees Maurice Gibb Barry Gibb Robin Gibb signature thank you for the memories shirt

 Now it's gotten to my adults son's they slowly getting it one by one, have just returned to college and university too. Flu season folks as it was for the past 100 of years. Stop spreading panic educate and read on it. Nothing to do with emphaty or sympathy is to do with reality and knowledge. Get informed correctly. Just saying folks. We had terrible colds going around before Covid arrived and those viruses will still be going round. Not every set of symptoms will be caused by Covid. All we can do is take the recommended precautions and take the recommended steps if symptoms arise. I have been ill for more than 2 weeks now can't stand as I feel so weak can't taste or smell anything had my covid test but came back negative sore throat high temperatures hot and cold shivering as well but still can't see a bloody Dr. Disgraceful that a child can be aborted UP TILL BIRTH! I completely disagree, in the case of Downs. 

Buy it here: 63 years 1958 2021 Bee Gees Maurice Gibb Barry Gibb Robin Gibb signature thank you for the memories shirt

63 years 1958 2021 Bee Gees Maurice Gibb Barry Gibb Robin Gibb signature thank you for the memories s Sweater
