
Showing posts from August, 2021

Blood moon one nation under Vlad Halloween shirt

 Mr. Berlinski has given organ recitals throughout Europe and America, in Temple Emanu-El, New York; Notre Dame cathedral, Paris; and the Thomaskirche in Leipzig. His principal works for the organ include "Eleven Sinfonias," "The Burning Bush" and "The Glass Bead Game," commissioned by the Rogers Organ Company for the new Carnegie Hall organ in 1974. In 1993, the Union Theological Seminary of New York commissioned Mr. Berlinski, with Catholic composer Robert Helmschrott of Munich and Protestant composer Heinz Werner Zimmermann of Frankfurt, to compose a work in honor of the German anti-Nazi fighter Dietrich Bonhoeffer. "Altar Tryptichon for Bonhoeffer" has now been performed in America, Germany, Israel and South Africa. One of the composer's most recent major works, "Oratorio Job (Hiob)," may also be his most important.  Buy it here:  Blood moon one nation under Vlad Halloween shirt